How to deal with the smell of wounds


Odour wounds can be distressing for both patients and caregivers who will care for them. Odour can cause the patient to feel embarrassed or ashamed and may lead them to reduce their daily civilities. Patients with foul-smelling wounds are often driven to pick up a scent using various techniques that can effectively inhibit wound healing, such as applying scented creams or too-frequent bathing. In short, malodorous wounds can significantly affect the life of the patient, causing depression and poor self-esteem.

For caregivers charged with caring for the wounded, the task can be an unpleasant one. Ulcers can be so foul-smelling that the caregiver becomes ill, making it difficult for the caregiver to perform the difficult task of caring for these wounds. Those who have handled the wound know how difficult this can be.

So what can be done to deal with the foul-smelling wounds? As it turns out, the problem is not a hopeless one.

What causes wound odor?

Breakdown tissue death and tissue necrosis is a common cause of wound odor. Certain bacteria that colonize the wound and drop content can also cause odor. For example, Pseudomonas has a characteristic odor, which makes Klebsiella. Anaerobes are often the culprit foul odor, and the wounds it suddenly becomes foul smelling probably become colonized by anaerobic bacteria.

Many try to control the smell of deodorizers, air conditioning and charcoal packaging, but usually find these methods ineffective.

How can wound odor combat?

The most important first step in combating odor is to ascertain the cause or source, the smell. The pathogenicity of the identified possible. Antimicrobial wound cleaners may be used, but it should secure content. Wounds should be debrided if necessary. The following products can be useful:

  • containing silver
  • containing polyhexamethylene biguanide
  • for common infections, topical and general antibiotic use
  • odor control packaging, such as those containing carbon, can be used to absorb odor molecules, preventing odors from escaping the dressing
  • Cyclodextrins are natural lipids that absorbs odors, and work best in a humid environment, making them ideal for very exudating wounds
  • Metronidazole has also been used to fight odor; when used topically it is possible to eliminate anaerobic bacteria that cause odor. It is easy and convenient, and metronidazole topical does not cause the same side effects and be used for oral administration. Several studies have found topical metronidazole to be effective odor destroyer.

The problem wound odor can be life-changing for the patient who lives with constant foul odor, and can be uncomfortable for caregivers like a healthy. Every effort should identify the cause of odor. There are several products that can be effective in combating odor.

If you are interested in learning more about wound care, or want to become certified as a wound care specialist, visit us online at to explore your options.


Source by Laurie Swezey

Medical Device Alert


Medical Alert devices are electronic gadgets worn on the body to let your family, friends and a doctor in case of emergencies. They are usually designed for senior citizens, but they are equally important for all those who suffer from serious and debilitating diseases such as cardiovascular disease, asthma, allergies, neurological problems, epilepsy, fainting, blindness and many other diseases.

Medical Alert devices come in many shapes and designs. They can be in the form of buttons, necklaces, bracelets, pendants or wristwatches. They may have known form. They may be made of precious metals such as silver or gold, or come in practical sizes without attention to aesthetic appearance. Image-conscious wearers usually go for these devices in the form of fashionable (Medical) jewelry, which is less likely to promote health problems for others.

Since wearing these devices is often a medical necessity, one needs to be careful before deciding which device is best for their type of disease. The simplest form of these devices are manufactured as jewelry items with the patient’s medical history, along with the telephone number of his family doctor, engraved on them. But much more useful than they are jewelry items equipped with sensors and electronic methods that enable the transmission system installed within, and connected to telephone lines or radio frequency to contact the patient’s family, friends, and doctor, and also medical policy. These devices include medical identity of the patient and his disease history such a critical time in the analysis is not wasted.

Considering the millions of people worldwide suffering from various medical problems, the market is awash with fashion designer medical jewelry designed for these individuals. Therefore, one must be careful before spending money on them. It would be better to consult a doctor’s before deciding which equipment suits your condition. These devices are sophisticated and likely to be expensive and beyond the reach of ordinary individuals. But if a thorough search is conducted via the Internet, the Yellow Pages or other sources, cheaper but equally useful accessories can be purchased. Care should be taken about the reputation of the manufacturing company with regard to product quality, guarantee its efficiency and after-sales service.


Source by Max Bellamy

How can patients judge the quality of services with medical guidance?


The quality of the health care you get can have a major impact on health and wellness; It is surprising, then, to discover that many do not know the first thing to determine the quality of health care they receive from their medical supervisor. All too often, patients rely solely on referrals from their HMOs or select facility random. The fact of the matter is that to do your research before settling each medical instructor is important. There are several ways to do this, including read good reports, looking at consumer ratings and information for checking accreditation.

The examination for accreditation information

When a personal, unbiased and independent group provides a medical or gives its seal approval, it is called accreditation. In order to be recognized by such independent groups, hospital, nursing home or other medical facility must meet several strict national regulations and standards. Accreditation is also an ongoing process, which means that facilities are regularly reviewed to ensure that they remain up to par with current standards. The Joint Commission on Accreditation Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the National Committee for quality assurance (NCQA) are two of the best-known accreditation in the healthcare industry.

Reading Quality Reports

There are some quality reports, or report cards published regarding health and provide each year. Such reports judge and evaluate the quality of care provides medical assistants, allowing patients to get a better feel for the facilities are right for them. Government funded report cards are among the most well respected; US Department of Health and Human Services, for example, issues a report that compares hospitals around the United States. Another Topnotch quality report is one of a nursing home issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Looking Consumer Rating

Although reports and accreditation are important tools, get a feel for the human side of health care is also important. To learn how one patients have ordered a variety of health care in the area, people can check online ratings for consumers. Such ratings can cover a myriad of different topics and subjects, and often are simple customer service ratings to give patients an idea of ​​the level of service of individual facilities. When combined with reports of quality and accreditation information, consumer ratings can help patients form a coherent idea of ​​quality health care centers and individual physicians instructors in their area.

be proactive About Healthcare

In order to get the best possible services from health care providers their patients must do their research. Simply assuming that all given medical facilitator will provide exceptional service fífldirfska at best, and dangerous at worst. Be proactive about the quality of care received is the responsibility of every patient. By keeping the medical assistants accountable for the level of care they provide, quality health care as a whole will improve. Make this study takes very little time and can make a huge difference.


Source by Zoumanan Debe

Anorexia and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy



It is well known that most anorexic girls have the controlling parents who find it impossible to not can participate in all areas of life girl. However, another factor has recently attention of psychologists and it is a parent with Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) in which one or more of the parents are to keep the child in a state of anguish so that the mental state of anorexia continue. This allows parents to enjoy the drama of life hospital and increasing control of all aspects of medical treatment. It is very drama hospitals is the excitement and satisfaction of the desire to be a hero.


Baron Munchausen was a German soldier (1871) as the head of the armed forces regaled everyone who would listen great stories of his heroism and adventure. However was all make-believe, but allowed him to garner so much attention otherwise dull his life would offer. In psychological terms we have adapted the concept of syndrome where one person deliberately exaggerates, fabricates and increases mental or physical condition of someone in their care. In the case of anorexia, this means continuing to create the conditions and behaviors that cause the child / girl to continue the unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behavior.

anorexia itself is recognized as slimming disease where the girl deliberately refuses nourishment and maintains strength training in order to reduce its weight. This leads to training stomach to accept less food than it needs to maintain a healthy balance of height to weight ratio (BMI). In addition, the girl buys rituals (compulsions behavior) which enables it to reduce feelings of anxiety over-weight when in fact she is wasting away (BMI morphism). This can involve jerking movements, over-stretch and fast paced walking.

The title – by proxy – means that while a parent in everyday life has the habit, perhaps even dull existence that they find through their children that they can create conditions in which the child is held in weak states need hospitalization in order to enjoy the theater watching doctors trying to save their child, often the controlling family – the closer to doctors – many of whom are over-whelmed by the parent acting as a hero trying to save their child. The Munchausen parent often has read many medical books and especially on topics that their child has developed. Often tell doctors how they should treat their child at their moment by moment. This causes a lot of pressure and stress to the doctors now fear law-suits and complaints by parents who think they know better. Despite what you may see on television, most doctors are workers like any other and have the same fear of unemployment and loss of reputation.


When Munchausen parent is in control of doctors, child / girl, and all other experts they lose the confidence of the medical profession to help and so bitterly complain of the same doctors that were considered the most care taking into account doctors – but when doctors try to take back control – parents start looking for so-called external experts – crossing healing begin to visit the child in hospital (often without permission hospital authorities) led the guests. These so-called famous experts – see the baby and reconfirm it is weak – that no dispute in the first place. However, when these outside doctors realize that they are using them disappear quickly back to where ever they came from. The parents then start hopping hospital – take your child to different hospitals regularly – every hospital is better than the last one – each group of doctors more caring – although in time this begins to falter and a new set of doctors to grasp the situation and wish to distance separately from their parents.

Although in most cases, one parent situation that causes the other spouse is often in the role and weaker. They tend to take a first parent – it is like when you are a child and your mother crying, “Listen to your father dear”. Other parents often have some psychological problems on their own that they model down to children in the family. In child development, socialization occurs in the home often by sitting parental behavior – if you father makes it seem normal – the child develops a similar inner belief, for example, if one of the parents suffering from anxiety and uses rituals to reduce feelings of the we should not be surprised to see a child imitating process for themselves.

Psychological Treatment

Although most treatment family would be the preferred route with at least two psychologists work together (one observer) and it is not often adopted by parents who would mean that the risk exposure of their motivation for the illness of their daughter. Often parents will manage the issues discussed and pre-brief therapist about what they should ask, the focus of attention to the child and make certain subjects taboo. This ensures that they still continue to be in control of the situation and if untrained therapist in clinical practice will not understand, often end up confused about how they became a tool of the parent. Unfortunately, most consultants are not trained to deal with difficult issues – and can actually do more harm than good to be controlled by a parent without realizing it. They really can help to increase anxiety and eating disorders in children by dealing with parenting problems in the first place. Of course in all this is a victim – a child – that with the right support and cognitive emotive approach could recover and live a normal life. The parents and act as heroes to save the day – in fact, continue to call the behavior of the child by over-control and high criticism. Separation of a child from parents is the most desirable outcome, but extremely difficult as they have been over-dependency in a child who is unsure of inconsistency parents treated her over-involvement of physicians and their requirements that is all her own fault, where such a point that the child has lost all confidence in parents and doctors and that they are torn by the dependency is so painful.

Legal obligations:

This is especially mine field, most doctors do not like to walk. If you suspect that a parent is deliberately continued suffering of the child to enjoy the drama of the situation that you are obliged to inform social services to the situation. In the case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy it is very difficult to prove in court – parent behavior judged by most lay people (juries) can be seen as over-protective care but not as intentional damage. The child can not support your case as with most minor they have a dependency problem of not accepting parents say she loves you would then hurt you on purpose. In the UK where physical damage was often occurs – Secret cameras were placed by court order in suspected cases. Often cameras caught MSP parents choking, braking weapons and even beating children (children in most cases) in order to continue the drama. These parents were obviously cause the data of the video shown in court. While the psychological harm it is much more difficult to prove your case. Verbal cruelty and control is not directly criminal situation that can be witnessed, but only mentioned reports anorexic child’s parents coercion. Therefore, it is rare or impossible to stop career medical judgment by trying issue as an expert witness to something that may end up blowing back in your face as bait complaint incompetence.

Alternative Strategies

Once doctors realize anorexia child is actually being deliberately continued with the parent who is MSP then they fall back on – Unfortunately we can not help – unfortunately we can not take responsibility – unfortunately we do not have any daughters case. In other words – they pass the child. Each hospital again realizes the situation within a few weeks and start to discuss behind close doors löndunarþjónustu child for the lack of progress. However, at some point parents run out of options now that most of the hospitals know who they are. So even at registration – names are already marked for rejection. While this sounds unethical hospital’s duty to protect other patients and non-doctors distracted dominate the parents who take a considerable time in hospital – often staying overnight and all day – just to make sure – their child is get constant attention. This is a problem for any hospital has to provide a level of service that is constant over time and priority of patient care.


For treating psychologist this is a constant challenge. Otherwise, they have to take into account the moral obligation to their child’s welfare, it always a problem of the parent that the child is still in need of care. To do this the confidence of the child is uppermost in the mind of psychologists. This may mean taking a stand against the doctors, parents and well-meaning outsiders. What the child needs is consistency care – at least one person is always there for them to listen, talk and help. A child is not an adult patient and often looks to a psychologist for direction and advice. Come in conflict with the dominant parents is inevitable as they try to win a psychologist to follow their program. Parents often cite – experts on you – to tell you that they know best and that you are not doing what they expect of you. Treatment takes a long time – several weeks – many meetings – but parents want instant results – and if you can not provide them – you are not good enough and so they are looking for the next famous experts to take your place. But even for parents if you are a good therapist with experience confidence you gain the child can overcome parental interference. The child will often require that you see – as the only one who they can really trust – parents are furious at this result as it may be a child to get more in control and do not need them so much.


I would like to state that it is easy conclusion this type of case it is not. That’s one reason a child separation from parents is ideal – get her alone for a while and build confidence her to the point she can resist MSP her parents from harming her spirituality. While in most cases this will never happen – so you need to have a high tolerance level of criticism against a control and insight often novel ways of dealing with anorexia and MSP at the same time. priority should always be a child. However, let’s not forget that you could have two parents suffering from mental disorder all its own – and should be encouraged to seek treatment for themselves. It is best for them to go to individual meetings and not as a family – that dynamic is already toxic. If parents can be treated with MSP and other complications, the child may have the possibility of future.


Source by Stephen F. Myler

Get-Well Gift and Hip Surgery – Right Gifts for the 5 stages of recovery


Hip surgery extraordinary opportunity for people who have had chronic hip pain or problems walking to experience the impressive improvement in their quality life. There are different situations that precipitate the need for hip surgery, but most involve hip replacement.

The hip, hip joint replaced by a prosthetic implant. The operation is conducted in order to reduce the pain of arthritis or to fix severe damage to the hip after hip fracture.

There are many possible methods the surgeon can choose the case of hip surgery. In part, the difference between them relates to the location and type of surgical procedure. Examples include posterior approach, lateral approach, the long side approach, the anterior approach and minimally invasive procedure.

Depending on the type of surgery carried out, recovery times – and the experience of the patient during recovery – can be.

If you are interested in knowing more about the get-well gift and hip surgery, here are five typical stages of recovery to hip surgery patient may experience (situation friends may vary). Included is a proposal for appropriate gifts in each level:

1. Recovery room (first 2 hours)

Immediately after the procedure, the patient will still be under general anesthesia. They have performed for about two hours to the recovery room where they “come to” wake up. At this time, there are to be no guests are in the area. While sending a gift in this room is probably not possible, you might want to have some flowers ready when they are shipped out of this room.

2. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is recommended for some patients (24 hours):

Some patients, about 24 hours in intensive care is recommended. This is up to the doctor and depends on various factors. It is unlikely that visitors will have access to the patient at the time in intensive care units, so better keep track of gift giving at this stage.

3. The remainder of the stay in the hospital (several days in some cases):

The patient will remain in hospital for several days or more. Usually, physical therapy is started the day after surgery. This would be a great time to give a gift, such as a soothing CD, a gift basket full of goodies or handmade album.

4. original at-home recovery

When a patient is taken home, the first recovery phase will require more personal care for the patient but it will later down the line. The patient will probably use crutches or a walker to get around. At this point, the best gift may be simply pay your personal visit to the patient to ask if you can help them out around the house.

5. Long-term recovery

A few weeks after surgery, hip surgery, the patient will still be experiencing a recovery, although the discomfort and pain will be much less than before. At this time, all the gifts that help them to make their way home – or just something to cheer up the place a bit – will be appreciated.

Consider getting the right gift to suit given point in hip surgery patient recovery.


Source by Susan Willis

Strategic Use of Information Technology


Teacher: Hello, Student. What do you know about information technology (IT)?

STUDENT: Well, I know that most software is full of “bugs”! By the way, why are these errors in programs called “bug”?

Teacher Computer “bugs” have been around since the failures of the 1945 Mark II was taught (facetiously) the moth trapped in a relay. Nowadays, the term refers to a programming bug -commands not achieve the desired results. But I’m sure you must know more about it than the fact that the programs have bugs!

STUDENT: Recently I read an interesting article by John Diebold years. Allow me to quote from it :.

“… Information technology is becoming increasingly key to national economic well-being, affecting virtually every industry and service One would be hard-pressed to name the companies that do not depend on the effective use of information: to design products and services, to monitor and respond to market demands, or to make well-informed decisions Information technology will change the world more permanently deeper than any technology so far in history. and will bring about the transformation of civilization to match “

Teacher :. Interesting. There is no doubt that information technology is now a major force with the potential to affect a number of organizations basically.

The effect of information technology on business has been enormous and will grow significantly.

There is no doubt that the shift from industrial economy to a service economy data set is in progress; and no one knows when the process will slow down.

In fact, the scale and traditional issues time, space, and mass will no longer be restrictions on products in the information age. Unlike standard product created for the mass market industrial age, electronic delivery of banking services, for example, is a measure independent and intangible, provides immediate service, and is not bound by the physical location of the bank.

STUDENT: online courses AmbaiU are a good example! Students from all over the world can instantly access the courseware. The dramatic growth of the Internet WWW service has naturally been an important factor in the growth of IT in general.

Teacher: True indeed. Environmental trends like globalization and increased international competition are speeding the movement toward increased use of information technology by companies. Exigencies of global coordination and the need to respond quickly to global competition threats have stressed the importance of the current business context. Dramatic technological advances in hardware, software, databases, and communications simultaneously pushed further use of IT.

STUDENT: So is the sky the limit for IT?

Teacher: Not entirely. At the same time, there are several factors militating against rapid deployment of IT. These include the still-slow development of appropriate software, long difficulties in quantifying the benefits (to justify the investment), merging database issues, and lack of standards (in respect of inter-organizational relationships).

STUDENT: I ​​also think that it would be “over-investment” in it in the last decade of the 20th century. century and even in the early 21 .. And what about it and Strategic Management?

TEACHER. True, we are primarily concerned about the likely impact of information technology on the implementation of strategic management. The reason for adopting such a perspective reflects a fundamental belief that information technology can potentially affect the essence of the business activities: Choices pertaining to products, markets, and technology (corporate policy level), as well as competitive methods within each product -Market part ( business strategy level).

STUDENT: I ​​suppose this is why the role of information technology is becoming wider than traditional information systems (IS) function, and is becoming general management concern and challenge.

Teacher: Good observation. We will consider three links that interconnect the three important concepts -strategic management (SM), information technology (IT) and management information systems (IS) function.

* Link 1: management information systems with information technology

According to the traditional view, IS is a service function (such as accounting, human resources or industrial relations) that is charged with the task of efficient processing and use of management reporting and monitoring system. According to such views, systems are designed to meet the information requirements of different management roles and are defined in standard information requirements assessment methodology. Further, the system evaluated criteria such as timeliness, format, quality and reliability, which reflects the technical capabilities of the system. The implication is that her role was conceived primarily as a technical core MIS function.

Consequently, the essential characteristics of this connection were hardware and software support for information architecture and flexible design to support minor changes in data requirements or to respond to changing technology core hardware system.

The policy points, according to the unstructured nature of decision-making, received minimal support from the traditional understanding and role definitions EN.

Link 2: Strategic Management of Information Systems

Description Link 1. reflects the view that the Treaty is a function was derived directly from the data evaluation website and had no clear link with the strategic choice in the corporate and business levels. This view was representative of the actual situation in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the need to tailor the design of MIS with the requirements of organizational strategic perspective gained currency. In 1968, McKinsey & Co. a report called lock in your profit potential that called for the formal relationship between the design and implementation of MIS and business strategies and objectives. This publication urged managers to visualize the role of computers in business organizations that any excess data processing resource at the operational organization and more hardware that supports their policies.

STUDENT: Even before the McKinsey report, William King suggested that “IS-strategy set (consisting of the objectives, is a constraint, and the design methods) must be reduced” organization policy set “(composed of organizational mission, goals and methods)

Teacher:.! You’re well-read student, actually

sTUDENT: You may remember that I come from and I “iT family.” hold hearing complaint from iT my relatives, while there is concern within the MIS discipline to ensure that MIS is designed in line with the context of the company, the link in the other direction, from the common strategic context of MIS, remains. largely ignored

Teacher: True, but this is changing rapidly, several authors also called attention to the opportunities to use information and computer systems for strategic advantages as William King noted in an editorial comment in the management information .. Systems Quarterly, — information ( and is) tends to be the primary source (competitive) advantage in the marketplace rather than solely as a means to efficiently manage or service that is regularly switched on and off as needed.

STUDENT: Can we assume then that many people see connections between strategic management and is today as a bi-directional, mutually interconnected links, which represents a strategic role for the fall?

Teacher: Certainly, it was about time. In the transition towards a policy role, undergo goal and task management information functions important transformation. The systems are no longer viewed in terms of information support operations decisions, but in terms of implementation of the strategic goals of the organization, especially a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Information systems with a charter to achieve competitive advantage are called “strategic information” and distinguished from more operationally more effective MIS. Indeed, MIS has been traditionally concerned with the operation of the control system for relatively structured decisions based on readily available, internal data. On the other hand, are a strategic information system designed to support the relatively unstructured decisions, especially those that are intricately tied to the activities of the square.

STUDENT: I ​​hear that such decisions usually require a combination of internal and external data, are neither structured nor completely specified.

Teacher: Exactly. Although perfect demarcation between management information and orientation information can not always be made, a conceptual distinction is important enough to be recognized as a conceptual distinction between strategic and operational decisions.

Let me mention some examples of strategic information systems operating in real companies

American Airlines, Sabre Reservation System -installed in most travel agencies for booking airline, hotel and rental car online.

American Hospital Supply Co :. ASAP-order entry systems installed in over 4500 medical establishments to order supplies on line. The system is interconnected to several internal support system

Citicorp Extensive use of automated teller machines and a global trading network. Several systems that support their plans for electronic banking.

McKesson Corp. Econo Most -Order entry system that supports customers with inventory control and analysis of sales.

United Airlines Apollo Travel reservation system with some maintenance services installed in about 7700 institutions.

Student, you can think of certain strategic objectives any of these companies have been achieved through the ER?

STUDENT: Well, I’m sure that SABRE provides American Airlines with important operating data that can be used for policy decisions; travel agents bent on Sabre are more likely to book on American more than other airlines.

Teacher: Yes, some so much that the US government has stepped in and set some limits on the potential Sabre pay AA!

Strategic information systems achieve their goals through several mechanisms, but two deserve special attention. These are: (1) the reconfiguration of the flow of information within the organization to provide competitive advantages compared to the competition and / or (2) the development of inter-organizational systems that go beyond the traditional boundaries of one focal organization.

STUDENT: Are these settings are mutually exclusive?

Teacher: No, but we will discuss them independently.

Reconfiguration of the information flow

Let’s consider the issue airline uses timely data to increase its load factor -perhaps one of the most critical factor for success in the airline industry. By developing a strategic information system designed not only to continuously collect data on the flight, but also to compare current sales against historical patterns airline may own Ticketing their agents (such as travel agents) to change the number of seats discounts available for limited flight by the current level of bookings in advance.

STUDENT: Similarly, I think that similar benefits can accrue to the hotel, where a key component of competitive success is the occupancy rate.

Teacher: Correct. And the basic concept of timeliness can be extended from the context of the services sector to the manufacturing sector. Consider the oil company that is able to communicate with their dealers directly and immediately oil change to ensure minimum delay between setting will be the headquarters and its implementation at stores.

STUDENT: In these illustrations, it does not affect the fundamental strategic business choice.

TEACHER. Right. However, the implementation of such decisions through the organizational hierarchy and swimming is easier using it, which leads to better policy outcomes.

Inter-organizational Systems Inter-organizational IT applications underline the potential to achieve competitive success, which reaches within-organization of information flows to apply and use information based relationships with diverse actors in the marketplace.

STUDENT: are using more complex sentences today! In short, what you mean is that the inter-organizational strategic information system is a system that extends beyond the boundaries of one focal organization to connect multiple organizations.

Teacher: Glad to see that you deserve! The potential todevelop such links (and consequently benefits to achieve competitive advantage) is perhaps the single most important reason, increased attention to the information system of strategic management point of view.

The railway industry, which has one of the highest levels of “penetration” in electronic data interchange (EDI) in all sectors, displays some level inter-organizational systems use. And relatively new industries, such as couriers (FedEx, UPS, etc.) are good examples too.

Let me also mention McKesson Drug Company. In the case of McKesson is often cited as one of the most successful example of transformation of the company with information technology capabilities. McKesson is the US national pharmaceutical distributor that gets close to 100 percent of its orders electronically from pharmacies through Econo Most systems. A customer orders by making one to go through the store with hand-held order entry devices, enter the product identifier or use the bar code scanner. Rearrange amount is shown on shelf tags. Once completed the order has been entered, it is sent to the data-processing services.

McKesson clearly achieved efficiency advantages to improve its profitability. Although the company does not seem to get a share at the main distributor of competition, it achieved significant strategic benefits in sales and market share gains at the higher competition. The system also achieved “increased tie the customer to McKesson” a significant strategic advantage. In addition, McKesson offers a number of other services based on the data gets from the Order Entry system.

The company also provides other companies in the health care business with specialized orientation system. The following message is an example:

In May 2003, McKesson Corporation announced that Liberty Health in Jersey City, New Jersey, signed an eight-year, $ 47 million agreement for products and services designed to change the use of clinical information to support patient care system in his hospital three. Liberty Health Clinic agreed Horizon (TM) Suite is McKesson (programs) to enhance patient safety, reduce administration and increase patient referrals by providing physicians and other caregivers better access to information.

“We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reinvent use it to support patient care and increase quality as we open our new hospital,” says Dr. Jonathan Metsch, Liberty Health’s president and chief executive officer. “To create the best environment care, given that we have to provide the latest medical equipment. But just as important, we must provide advanced clinical IT solutions to support 900 physicians and nurses as they provide health care for this community. Of 600,000 people that is why we have partnered with McKesson – we get an excellent, advanced clinical applications “

Link 3 :. Strategic Management of Information Technology

in recent years, several new and powerful forces in the technological and market environment forcing one to recognize the relationship between strategic management and information technology in terms of the fundamental role of IT in influencing the policy formulation solid rather than just to support its implementation.

The potential for innovative competition mode as well as new products and services possible through it provides managers with an entirely different spectrum of opportunities and threats. Given the general explosion of computing power and communications capabilities (integrated voice and data network), some new business applications can be (and have been) developed in those areas that directly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the square.

Examples: policy Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch shows the potential offered by ICT to develop better substitute products (or services) as well as change the definition and domains of business operations. The introduction of Cash Management Account (CMA) of Merrill Lynch represented a revolution in terms of redefining the concept of financial market that was dominated by traditional banking institutions. The new business was built around integrating different financial instruments under the common practice so that individual investors are able to enjoy the convenience of transferring money over them as well as benefit from the “float” that banks traditionally enjoyed. This account allows integration of four basic services to investors: (1) automatic investment of cash and dividends in money market account, (2) credit through normal margin account, (3) cash withdrawal by check or debit card, and (4) investment in management and diversify account.

The policy could not be implemented without the use of information technology, it requires daily swaps across different accounts to send credit card charges, checks, securities and deposits, as well as developing daily updated credit limit for each account holder . This complex processing operation is not incidental but business is essential to the conceptualization and operation. The importance of information technology in this strategy is perhaps best underlined by the fact that Merrill Lynch received a patent for a cash account management system. The annual fee generated by this product for Merrill Lynch was quite significant.

Several variants (circurnventing of patent protection) of this basic concept have appeared in recent years, no one has so far approved product success Merrill Lynch.

Other companies that have utilized it to break down traditional industry boundaries in the service of Sears, now integrated the financial services provider; Citicorp, now investment and real estate companies as well as banks; and American Express, always strong in tourism, now making a play in international banking, insurance, and securities, as well as of financial and information supermarket. Indeed, the entire industry is transformed for similar but related forces: freedom and technology.


Source by Nicole Bobbin

What You Should Expect Having open heart surgery: Patient Perspective


with open heart surgery can be scary, but sometimes there is no other choice. Heart surgery can solve various heart problems that would otherwise be fatal. There are various solutions to correct defective heart valves, repair aneurysms, unclog arteries or bypass, implant stents, and in many important cases replace an entire heart. Some people diagnosed with heart disease and planned open heart surgery were necessary while others are under emergency surgery to save his life. People have different views on what the conditions are worse psychologically; have foresight surgical advance or to put into the situation with no time to ponder it. Sometimes patients know about the operation ahead of time feel scared, restless, angry, or depressed in the days leading up action. These healthy individuals diagnosed surprise with heart ailments seem to have the hardest time coming to terms with excellent open heart surgery. It’s harder for them to wrap his head around them, for example, a smoker who has not taken care of himself. Age can also affect how a patient deals with analysis. Teenagers seem to have a harder time coping with the psychological and elders. Also noteworthy is the survival of an emergency open heart surgery can often have a harder time recovering psychologically than those who had intended action.

Everyone is different, but here is usually what you can expect to open heart surgery. You need to get affairs in order ahead of time and plan in advance to have a stress free recovery. Many patients experience periods heart deep introspection in the days before open heart surgery. You may question the purpose of life, why this happened to you, and you will no doubt want to spend quality time with your family. The night before open heart surgery is an important time to be spent quietly and closely with the family.

You will skip breakfast in the morning open heart surgery and will not eat anything. You will also shower with a special “sanitizing” soap with the surgeon. When you arrive at the hospital you must notify an administrative check where you will be required to fill out some documents. You will then have your vitals taken, and shortly thereafter you’ll be sent to a heart-Thoracic surgery unit. In good hospital family will be allowed to follow you. When you arrive there will be numerous doctors and nurses available, as well as Anesthesiologist phone. They will take your vitals again, and when the surgeon comes they will inform you and your family the information about the actual open heart surgery. Anesthesiologist will tell you how things will go by putting you to sleep, as well as what to expect when you wake up later. surgeon will give you a rundown of everything and give you a chance to ask any other questions you might have. When they are ready to talk to you and your family, Anesthesiologist will probably put the IV in each arm while you’re still awake. They use this for anesthesia and other drugs when you are on the operating table.

Next you will summon a nurse will guide you to the operating room. The operating room will be brilliant color Operating is usually slightly padded table on a pedestal that looks just the right size to hold your body and nothing more. There are no railings, barriers, or feet at the corners of the board. Bright light shining on it from all directions to make it the center of attention. These tables look like as tea. Simultaneously surgical tools are presented in obsessive organized fashion. By now there are usually plenty of other doctors and nurses in the room that will have various responsibilities during the operation. They will ask you to climb up the table and lay down. Nurses will start connecting you with a variety of wire, and you may be asked to sign a waiver so that a representative of the medical company can follow surgery. Do not panic, it’s tacky, but it is common and believe it or not it is necessary to new technologies. Soon anesthesiologist will start giving your first block. The surgeon can give you ultimate acceptance as you start to feel sleepy, and before you know it you will be in a deep sleep. At the time the crew will continue to connect the wires, put a tube (catheter phone urinary catheter Swans, and later breathing tube and more). You will be unconscious for the rest of the action, but in a good hospital staff will give the family regularly about how things are going. Sometimes patients speak of having unusually vivid dreams, or the outer body experience, but most simply sleeping. When the operation is finished surgeon will come out and inform your family, and soon after that they will get to see you in the recovery room.

You probably will still unconscious when your family sees you for the first time in the recovery room. You will probably still have a breathing tube in, and it can be a little scary for them to see you this way. Most patients say their first memory after the surgery is when the breathing tube is pulled out. You will be heavily calm but you will probably hear the nurse inform you that they’re going to pull out your breathing tube. You will cough for a few moments as they pulled it out, and your mouth will feel uncomfortably hot and dry. You will be very thirsty, but the nurse will only be able to offer you a wet towel on your lips and tongue until you’re a little more awake at the time that they may offer you ice chips. The amount of pain felt varies from patient to patient, but generally most heart surgery patients do not feel much pain because a significant amount of drugs they are on. Generally speaking, telling patients that the pain was much less than they thought it would be.

You will be in a lot of pain medication in the first days of recovery. You will probably have a morphine drip that you can give yourself by pressing a button when you are in pain. Are automatically controlled there a limit on how much can be pumped into one ‘s so you do not have to worry about pressing the button too often. Hospital Hospital stays very different after open heart surgery, depending on the procedure you have. You will sleep and be quite loopy in the coming days. At this time you will probably take a long incision as well as some bumps under it. The hit from titanium wire they used to mend review back together after surgery. They do not actually cause harm and are not really noticeable unless you run your finger over them. Most heart scars disappear pretty well, and faster than expected. head will feel hazy due to drugs, and from the broad effects of action and be on cardiopulmonary bypass (bypass) machine. After a few days you will be pushed to get out of bed and start walking. Originally a short walk to the bathroom will seem like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, but soon after that you will be able to do it with no problems. You will begin to walk the halls of unity with your physical therapist. newfound fear your cough, laugh, sneeze, is normal, and you will probably be given a stuffed animal or something to hold against the chest when you do. This will counteract the pressure generated and make it more comfortable. Another thing you want terror to first bowel movement, but they will not let you go home until you do. When you finally have that special moment you will be pretty close to going home if everything else is up to par. You are not out of the woods when you go home. It is a milestone, but be sure to follow the transition plan and stay in a positive state of mind.

Even though you’ll want to; the last thing you should do is go home and lay on the couch every day. There are many things that can happen after cardiac surgery, cardiac arrhythmias, atrial flutter, low hemoglobin or blood issues, and much more that could rise to return to the hospital. Have a positive attitude on the trauma is one of the most effective thing you can do to keep things moving along. Be positive because when you come home real recovery work begins.


Source by Benjamin J. Carey

A bipolar Lesson From Point-of-view

bipolar patient

When the acquired knowledge it is best to define the terms either before or as they are to use. Let us start by defining

Bipolar (mental) disorder (manic-depression). “Depression” a “mental disorder” exhibiting oscillating periods of joy and it is a primary psychiatric diagnosis of elevation and depression cognition, mood, behavior and energy. The clinical term for elated state of mind is “manic”. A milder form is “hypomania.” Since bipolar people usually notice either depressive symptoms or a “mixed state” that features both high and are simultaneously present. These up-and-down events quickly run through the “average” mood areas enjoyed by the public. For some people, “frequent” between up-and-down mood levels occurs. Fierce Mania can show delusions, psychosis and hallucinations. Bipolar mood range, increase the amount mania severity, are words cyclothymia, hypomania (bipolar II) and mania (bipolar-I). Falling levels of depression are cyclothymia, depression (bipolar II) and clinical depression (bipolar-I). Depression alone is termed a “unipolar”. [Abridged-paraphrased Wikipedia “Bipolar Disorder” entry]
The bipolar continuum (spectrum) is best illustrated verbally as follows:

MANIA (Bipolar-I)

hypomania (Bipolar II)

cyclothymia (HIGH)

average MOOD HIGH

average MOOD

average MOOD LOW

cyclothymia (LOW)

dysthymia (Bipolar II )

depression (Bipolar I)

Patient moods are constantly changing as they go down this bi-directional spectrum, prompting leading Johns Hopkins professor of psychiatry, Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison and bipolar I disorder patients, called bipolar disorder “Quicksilver this illness.”

“Average Mood” is just another day at the office and at home with no reason to either grief or celebration.

“Average Mood High” could be a time when you got married, the birth of a child, working to raise or winning the lottery.

“Average Mood Low” could be the loss of your favorite pet to contact a family member.

“cyclothymia High” could be time increase energy and focus and general exuberance without drugs.

“cyclothymia Low” can be a habit of increasing sleepfulness or insomnia and gloomy outlook.

“hypomania” is a period of excess energy, high productivity, many achievements and goal-orientation.

“dysthymia” is slowness, loss of normal interests, negative and general discomfort.

“mania” is the time grandiosity, rapid speech and pressure and frightening, erratic behavior.

“Clinical or Major Bipolar Depression” is a total loss of interest and hope, often featuring suicide

Here are some American statistics:

  • women suffer major depression twice as much as men
  • 90% of all suicides result from depression
  • men and women suffer from manic-depression as
  • 1 of 3 bipolar subjects either try or finish act of suicide

You have probably seen enough lists of manic and depressive observable behavior, but it is important to follow those listed in the “Bible psychiatrist is,” DSM-IV ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). The DSM-5 will be published in May 2013. It is from this basic definitions that we can build a dialogue and understand what is to follow. Here are the required “diagnostic criteria for mania:”

  • abnormal, persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood
  • inflated self-esteem or grandiosity [w / uninhibited, skewed volition]
  • needs less sleep, for example, feeling rested after only 3 hours of sleep
  • More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
  • Flight ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
  • distractibility , namely attention too easily drawn to relevant or irrelevant external stimuli
  • The increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work, in school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
  • Much involvement in pleasurable activities have a high potential for painful consequences, such as the one engaged in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investment
  • Mood disturbance sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in occupational or usual social activities or relationships with others, or need hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others
  • [Giving away money or cherished or valuable possessions]

I have with this last classified characteristics, as it has been own my personal experience of bipolar my I attacks and also to many of my co-patients and manic-depressive friends. Although this awesome list is not intended for use by “armchair psychiatrists,” it is useful for spotting and getting professional help for mood-challenged friend or family member. Mania reminds me of metamorphosis that produces the “Incredible Hulk.” My bipolar-I components always involve either Obsession “seeking true love” or “start their own high-tech energy company mine.” Oh, the wonders of manic grandiosity!

Well, DSM-IV has been kind enough to help us understand what bipolar disorder is. Here it is also depressed in the form of “diagnostic criteria for major depressive episode”

  • Depression (can be irritable mood in children and adolescents) most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated comes either subjective account or observation by other
  • Significantly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated either subjective account or observation by others of apathy most of the time
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain when not dieting (eg, more than 5% of body weight per month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day (in children, consider objectionable that expected profits)
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
  • practical agitation or retardation nearly every day (visible from the other, not only mental restlessness or slowing
  • Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not just self-reproach or guilt about being sick)
  • Decreased ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others)
  • recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or suicide attempt or specific plan to commit suicide
  • [Vegetative, catatonic; retarded or loss of motor skills; unable to commit the act of suicide]

again, this last, classified listing is based on personal experience and many of my co -Patients and manic-depressive friends. When taken together, all of these up-and-down states are not peppered with psychosis, hallucinations and delusions, which makes analysis psychologist is much harder to do. Bipolar diagnoses are mainly performed by psychiatrists (64%), psychologists (18%), and general practitioners (13%). In suspected cases of spiritual affairs it just makes sense to cut to the chase and make an appointment with a psychiatrist. The specially trained professional is best able to treat the mood disorder in the patient. There are also “mixed episodes” in which a person will suffer both Manic and depressive features simultaneously-pure hell. When properly diagnosed, the patient and physician needs three years, on average, to sculpt useful combination of psychotropic (psychiatric) medications to achieve satisfactory patient mood stability, the goal is to reduce the frequency, duration and scale factors. These powerful drugs have bad side effects and must be carefully selected mix choose from five main categories Psych drugs

  • mood stabilizers
  • Antidepressants
  • psychotropic
  • anxiolytics
  • Anticonvulsants

When a bipolar patient is manic, he or she is feeling well and is unlikely to visit a doctor unless forced sexual intercourse with another person. That is why psychiatrists often identify patients with manic-depressive unipolar (depressive) disorder because the only time he gets to see the patient when he or she is feeling bad. It is fascinating that almost 70% of bipolar disorder sufferers are incorrect analysis of an average of 3.5 times before the correct diagnosis is dialed. The manic person is “high” and feels wonderful-there is “no need” for a doctor.

Therefore, bipolar disorder or depression could find disturbances involve the relative concentration of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) in the limbic system of the brain (the part of the brain responsible for emotions, behavior, interest and long-term memory), paucity of resulting in depression and surplus of the resulting in mania. Neurotransmitters are what electronic signals between nerve endings, and, in this case, those of the neurons in the brain. Unfortunately, there are no physical examination, no “dipstick,” blood tests, imaging, invasive or non-invasive medical procedures to determine the relative levels of these lipids. Bipolar disorder is every bit physical diseases are diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Here are ways psychiatrists must reach their diagnoses of patients mood of

  • ask the patient
  • Questioning family, significant others
  • establishing a patient history
  • Behavioral observation
  • Reading body language
  • Mat speech characteristics
  • Combining the results of these presentations with knowledge and experience

although bipolar disorder can strike anyone at any time it can usually be attributed to either genetic factors or crippling physical, mental or emotional stressors such as child abuse or PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) that produces a tremendous amount of anxiety and stress. On the genetic side, children have a sibling or parent with manic-depression have up to six times the risk of inheriting the disorder. Other disposition and correlation of having bipolar disorder are having a Germanic heritage, high IQ, or be an artist or a scientist. Musicians, composers, poets, painters, philosophers, photographers, comedians, television personalities, sculptors, etc., have an increased risk of being bipolar disorder compared to the general population. casual my study of 277 famous individuals 84% ​​were in these areas suffer (ed) mood disorders. I understand that at least five calls that attack bipolar episode:

  1. Stressors (including major life events); physical, mental and emotional
  2. Substance abuse
  3. Sleep deprivation and severe circadian rhythm disorder
  4. Seasonal change
  5. Drugs side effects

When it comes to religion, much of Christianity condemn those who have mental illness as being sinful, shameful, lacking confidence, weak, self-centered, selfish, storytellers, guilt or evil spirits. Or “It’s just an excuse, you’re trying to get attention.” These judgments result in a closed upbraiding, public ridicule, shunning or excommunication. attitude sick person fail when his mind not. Other significant world religion either quarantine or eliminate spiritual individuals (defective) by using any means possible, including murder. It is interesting to note the statistical incidence of mood disorders people is independent of any particular religion or organization.

Depression is the number three reason for doctor visits in the United States today and the class of psychiatric drugs prescribed second only to analgesics (painkillers). It has historically been an average of four doctors and ten years to correctly diagnose a case of bipolar disorder. Even today only 49% of those with manic-depression receive treatment. Most of the rest, unaware of their disease, will unwittingly self-medicate with “feel-good” drugs, food, alcohol and wanton (high) sex. Denial can be a best friend is a mental patient. Bipolar disorder is very much like a “mood roller-coaster,” with rapid ascents manic, even slower descents suicidal depression caused by the loss of confidence, identity and neurotransmitter transporters imbalance. Thoughts race our pace while distracting mania. When depression we feel envy those who are not in our place. We have to train others to understand us and help us no matter how impossible it seems. And we have to live “in the moment” every day. The only real duty is to prevent mood swings to steal our reason and cause the loss of hope that forms our desire for death.

Fortunately, these figures are gradually better policy because of increased awareness and today many campaigns against stigma and discrimination targeting the mentally ill. Stigma of disorder fueled by popular media properties bipolar individuals like a crazed homicidal maniacs have murderous / suicidal intent. Stigma means “displeasure and disgrace.” It alienates its victims, creates an undeserved stigma against them, and produces social shame that delivers a powerful blow to those who already suffer horrific mental illnesses. Stigma is every bit as inappropriate for the mental patient as it would be for heart or cancer patient! Suffer considers itself officially “Killjoy,” and includes it as best she can. She and others like it often does not call for self-esteem and confidence to share emotional struggle. Every social aberrance seems to have their own equal and opposite form using the word “phobia.” Should those guilty of fear of the mentally ill to the brand “psycho-phobes?” It has been my experience that as “average” drunks and “happy” drunks, there are both “mean” and “happy” people who suffer episodes of bipolar disorder. The “mean” and violent ones are only those who abuse drugs and alcohol. After all, violent individuals are not born, they are made of.

Bipolar individuals will suffer an average of 8 to 10 aspects of life. It is a living hell on earth without a cure. It is only possible to control. Impact on the community, these are the facts:

  • Manic-depression is almost second highest reason for federal handicapped awards
  • Unemployment for mood disorder sufferers is 50% higher than the US average
  • Bipolar patient’s life is 9.2 years less than the nominal US age 78 years

Because treatment often requires 2 -3 weeks to start showing a therapeutic effect, hospitalization may be indicated for patient safety during mood disorder episodes. Unfortunately, the “new and improved” healthy patient outlook, faith and become a better behavior habits, when compared to the previous behavior, can really spook family and friends and cause separation ways. Co-dependence disappear. Outpatient counseling is often necessary to either prevent this ordeal or deal with its aftermath. New setting can be a big boon psychiatric patient. Whether or manic depression, feelings of the individual will be controlled-back to a stable range. Julie A. Fast has described “middle” life is a disorder as being possible, wonderful, have fun and enjoy the talent people. I have also found these factors stability to be true and have reached a treasured my state of serenity ..

For me, depression, crafty opponent, produces the worst suffering. The simplest definition it is “anger turned inward.” A depressed patient will find a non-harmful, non-destructive way to prevent the evil anger to slam the brakes on dangerous deepening depression.

Imagine woke up after being buried 6 feet under, measuring devices hopeless cries go unheard, unable to roll over in the coffin, claustrophobic. hopelessness depression is worse! Suicide will easily viable, attractive option. In the words of Mary Beth Smith, “… I just want to end the pain.” Wild mood swings of bipolar disorder in sufferers have nothing to do with volition, choice or will. Depression, one may unknowingly begin to sink into the abyss of hopelessness.

“You can always think the way depression but can not always thinking way out [of one].” – Dr. Lewis Britton

At that point, the only option is either drug therapy or ECT. Because psychiatric treatment usually involves a 15-minute “control meds,” the patient needs to ask for a referral for a therapist who can provide “talk therapy” needed for the patient to work thinking, behavior, lifestyle and myriad other issues. Patients should verify whether or not their psychiatrists and psychologists will interact with one another to create a comprehensive continuum of care. The patient must learn living habits including eating, exercise and sleep habits. Mood disorder behaviors are not volitional and re-learn healthy physical, mental and emotional habits are a must to prevent further mental mayhem. Friends and family can neither sympathize nor shoes, never have “been there.”

peace is the ultimate goal of my sanity. I have almost achieved by preventing almost most stressful of my life and I feel great. No problem distract or bother me anymore, probably because already survived the worst that can happen to me on both extremes of bipolar disorder and depression. In addition to Psychiatric and psychological help support groups are free, both physically and online. Internet forums and communities, if their members stay on track, can be quite helpful for depression and manic-depressive people as a factor, doctors, drugs and the like are hashed over and common ground is established for self-revelation, sharing and caring.

I am often asked if it is 1) a greater number of his ill person today, 2) if the bar is lowered by Psychiatric community to drum up more patients or 3) whether it has always been so many of us in the past who were misdiagnosed misunderstood or ignored. I am inclined to say that it is an amalgam of all three in the risk of sounding simple or “politically correct”. I say this because I believe all three proposals can easily be tied to the increasingly rapid progress of the growing influence of technology on humanity over the decades. But I’m certainly open to any suggestions to the contrary.

Finally, “manic-depression” still “hot button” topic today among health professionals, the media, patients and confuse the public. Well-meaning websites and blogs litter the Internet with both accurate and erroneous material and advice, and this level will be fact checked and negotiated with care. While not up to academic standards, a Wikipedia search of “bipolar disorder” is probably the most successful and accurate source for the average Inquisitor. Having read it yourself, this mental patient recommends it for all concerned.


Source by Jeff C. Baker

The difference between good and great doctors Doctors


“Do you think your family practitioner?” my sister asked a few weeks ago. “Would you recommend it?”

“Absolutely! I love doctor, it is my great!” I answered immediately, and then I began a long, emphatic testimony, as if I were a doctor’s promotions manager. In my monologue, I used words such as “smart”, “logical”, “listening” and “respect”. Then I realized I had not uttered the word “qualified” or “well trained” – not even once.

The conversation with my sister made me reflect on the elements and features that set high cure apart from the good ones. Websites rating and ranking doctors crowd the Internet. In these lists, medical experts working title “Top Docs” based on surveys filled out by medical peers. And so I posed questions to the panel of six doctors, nurses and health workers. I asked: What do you look for when considering a doctor to oversee the care of your own family? In your opinion, what qualities make the best doctors possess?

good to great: They have strong education and training

By choosing a doctor who is Board Certified by one of twenty-four American Board of specialties (ABMS) Member Boards, you can feel safe he or she meets nationally recognized standards for the education, knowledge, experience and skills to provide quality care in a particular specialty. Board Certification goes beyond basic medical licensing. To determine whether a particular doctor is Board Certified is fast, free and easy. Simply visit the ABMS website, register, and plug in the name of the doctor and the city.

Mike Lipscomb, MD, Emergency Room physician at North Fulton Hospital in Roswell, Georgia and physician Apollo MD believes that doctors at the top of their field have solid instruction and training bases to draw on as they practice medicine. But Lipscomb also offers a warning.

“I would not put much weight on the big-name schools,” he says.

He says that the tuition cost of these elite schools can reach well over $ 50,000 a year, which makes them an unrealistic option for many medical students.

“Many state schools are less than a third of this,” he continues. “High prices are not in the context of a better education. Some of the best doctors I know went to large state universities for the school, and they made the choice to come out with as little debt as possible.”

“I would not put much stock in the research,” said Lipscomb. “To be good in the lab does not necessarily correlate to be clinically competent.”

good to great: knowledge and experience feed reasoning of

“When a doctor for me or family, I count credentials minimum and experience of the physician as a second layer, depending on the nature of care,” comments Adedapo Odetoyinbo, MD, SFHM, Chief Medical Officer and Director of Hospital Medicine at Emory Johns Creek Hospital in Georgia. “Experience plays a key role when the need is technical in nature or when decisions need to be quickly in an emergency. More important to me than research itself, is able doctor to integrate research findings and evidence-based medicine in their daily work.”

Odetoyinbo towards practical skills doctor to rule the puzzle-to select pieces of knowledge from their studies and experience and just apply them to the situation at hand. In search of the doctor to protect and restore the patient’s welfare, increases knowledge reasoning and rational decision-making, and experts agree that some doctors are simply better than others to apply what they know.

good to great: They are excellent relations

Many of the professionals polled said that the best of the best have a toolbox full of excellent soft skills, personal qualities and characteristics that increase an individual’s one- to-one communication and performance.

“What separates the good doctors from those we believe top docs is their ability to listen to patients to actually hear and respond to what they are saying,” said Cindy Hardy, doctor Relations Manager at North Fulton Hospital who worked as a nurse for many years.

She points out that the master doctors allow patients to adjust the tempo for the first few minutes of interaction while listening and gathering valuable information. Only then, they react.

A study published in the Journal of the American osteopathic Association in 2005 (Trav Line, Ruchinskas and D’Alonzo) found that in many cases, effective patient-physician communication can improve the patient’s health as quantifiably as many drugs. Patients who understand their doctors are more likely to recognize health problems, understand their treatment options, change their behavior accordingly, and follow their medication schedules.

“The chiefs interact with the patient and family,” says Hardy. “The great ones listen to input and talking at the level of the room ensure everyone understands what is happening, which is especially important when the physician, patient, and family of the patient is a plan of care.”

Dr. Robert Campbell, Chief of Cardiac Services at Children’s Healthcare Atlanta Sibley Heart Center adds to the great doctors usually surround themselves with employees who are committed to listen, as well.

“Good communication helps support our culture,” Campbell says. “Given the high volume, high patient acuity and high patient throughput, both inpatient and outpatient-it is clear that no single provider can function alone. It is therefore important that we work as a cohesive team and that requires excellent communication to coordinate efforts our. “

good to great: They are merciful

the main docs not only keep your technical skills, but also nourish and practice humanistic qualities caring warmth and compassion when patients need it most.

“Again, credentials are given,” says Debbie Keel, Chief Executive Officer of North Fulton Hospital. “But when the patient is not feeling well, or they are afraid, or they are facing a long, costly care and are concerned about the cost, they need compassion, and the best doctors have compassionate presence about them.”

Keel, mother and grandmother herself, encourages her staff to see patients in a different light.

“I say,” It’s your mother in bed, “she adds.” Top doctors treat their patients with the same compassion that they would have their own family members. “

but empathy is more difficult today, given that doctors are stretched thin and must care for more patients than ever during the day.

“We can not create more hours in a day, “she says.” it’s hard to show their concern sensitive sides when they only have a few minutes with the patient, the most respected doctors do it. “

good to great: they show the highest ethical standards

All doctors pledge to promote and encourage the highest level of medical ethics, system of moral principles that are value judgments to the practice of medicine. But most health experts say that ethics go far beyond the ethical obligations of a doctor. ethics encompass how they perform when no one is looking and how they treat others.

“When I interviewed physicians who unite us, I tell them that they will not live long if they are lazy or unethical,” says Steve Waronker, MD, chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology at Emory Johns Creek Hospital. “I tell them also that if they can not live by the Golden Rule and treat Environmental Services staff as well as those treated CEO, they need not apply.”

Indeed, many doctors-especially actual rulers of-view Hippocratic oath as a sacred covenant. By reading it, swear physician honestly, avoid improper actions or corruption, keep conversations confidential, among many other codes of moral behavior. It is their guide to ethical behavior.

Among other features that change the good doctors really great ones are intuitive perception-a sixth sense, accessibility, rational, bedside manner and want a doctor to be a team player. But perhaps it is the ability of a doctor to the complex and multidimensional which makes some outshine others.

“They have compassion, common sense, control of a large body of knowledge, and the humility to ask for help when things get complicated and confusing,” says Waronker. “Ultimately, the best doctors have it all.”


Source by Amber Lanier Nagle

How to Run a Successful dental


I recently interviewed Dr. Scott Olson, dental professional in Springfield, Missouri. I wanted to find out how he operates his practice and what has worked best for him in the field of staffing, finance, marketing and operations.


Q: What methods do you use to find competent employees ??

A: A strategy that has worked well for me is to recruit students from local colleges that require students to complete an internship program in the dental office as part of their studies. Intern program not only gives students hands-on experience, but it also gives me the opportunity to assess ability level and their passion for dentistry.

Q: What practice has their own way of doing things. How do you get staff acclimated to the philosophy of your company after it has been appointed?

A: Aside from the Dental Assistant program mentioned above, we provide all new employees with a detailed employee handbook, which are designed to read and write. The manual describes the specific policy best practices and methods for treating patients with caution.

Q: How often do you perform periodic reviews of your staff?

A: I am a firm believer in maintaining a dialogue with my staff. That’s why I do not just conduct an annual review with my staff. I also ask them to evaluate me and how I can improve. Feedback from bilateral discussion is amazing. It has helped to bring our practice to a higher level of care.


Q: You’ve made the decision to keep your costs low by leasing space in a strip center. Many other dentists have suffered heavy costs by locating in expensive buildings. Do you feel that you have come out ahead by adopting this strategy and have you thought about moving or adding other place?

A: While I have considered moving practice to a high-profile position, I’m glad I made the original decision to keep my costs to a minimum while still providing a comfortable environment for my patients. It has allowed me to save money and reduce a lot of stress on the lower volume periods. Dentists with high costs usually feel pinch of slower economic times.

Q: There are many ratios that dental professionals use to assess the results of their work. Which ones are most important to you?

A: The most important statistic to me is the number of new patients we treat every month because it is the foundation of our future growth. I always follow our success to determine the age, sex, and location of new patients that helps me better target marketing my efforts. Gallery-to-total-output ratio is one I keep my eye on. When this number is greater than one, I found out why.

Q: At the beginning of each year, you and your staff Set goals for the coming year in the field of revenues, profits, and the patient feel?

A: We shut down the office for one day in early January to discuss how we can improve efficiency, skill level and patient satisfaction. We believe that if we can improve procedures in the areas, revenue and profit will eventually follow.

Q: Do you usually rent or buy equipment and how often you upgrade?

A: To this point, I have bought all the equipment that I use at work. However, some exciting new technologies on the horizon that I am considering, such as a new generation of digital X-ray and crown fabrication. I probably lease new equipment that I have because of the many advantages of the form of financing.

Q: How do you set the tariffs and how does it compare to other practices in the area?

A: Our prices are not the cheapest in town, nor are they the most expensive. When I put the price, I look at the amount of time it takes me to complete each procedure as well as the associated labor, supplies, and overhead costs. I put the price to achieve what I believe to be a fair return on investment.

Marketing / Advertising:

Q: What advertising techniques do you use to reach new patients and who are more efficient?

A: We always ask each new patient how they heard of us that helps us to monitor the performance of all marketing efforts. Reference have been a big part of the new business in the past two years. We offer a rewards program where we provide refer the patient gift card and a new patient $ 50 off the cost of their first visit. This is a big reason why we’ve got more new business from word of mouth referrals than any other means. Yellow Pages have also been instrumental in getting new business.

Q: You have constantly upgrade your skills by attending courses and seminars that teach cutting edge technologies and methods. Do you focus on the new skills you have learned in marketing?

A: First download lessons and courses that teach new strategies energizes me tremendously. I’m always excited to come back and apply what I have learned. As for marketing, it is difficult to promote in the ad how continuing education can be beneficial. Therefore, I explain carefully newly learned techniques to the patient while they are in my office.


Q: There is a wide variation in the quality of dental supplies and solutions. How do you decide what products to use?

A: I’m very particular about what products I use and it is important to make sure that a sufficient amount of independent studies have been conducted. I bombarded with solicitations for all types of products and most of the “study” is from a company that is not good enough I just use what has been proven to work

Q: … When a patient checks in, they brought into the exam room quickly

A 😕 Our goal is to bring the patient to the examination room within five minutes after check in Needless to say, there are situations that arise that cause delays, but most of the time we reach the goal because we value the time of our patients

Q: .. When a patient comes in for a check up and you find problems outside of normal state hole that requires a lot of work, how articulate the problem for the patient without using a lot of jargon

A 😕 the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” certainly applies here. When I show pictures of how the patient cavity remaining untreated causes damage to the nerve, they get it. I do my best to make them understand what is likely to happen if they do nothing, as opposed to the result if they choose treatment.

Q: For those patients who are on a strict budget, you offer some kind of self-pay financing plan that will allow them to make monthly payments for a large balance?

A: We offer excellent self-pay program financing through Care Credit. One aspect of this program is to balance the interest if paid within one year. Payments can be stretched out to five years. We also offer in-house for 90 days same as cash option. We can usually find a way to make the financing process for our patients.

Q: Like any business, develop customer relationships is critical to long term success. What steps need to be taken to establish a dialogue with your patients?

A: It is a hot-button issue for me. Although our goal is to increase the amount, I refuse to compromise relationships with our patients. I make it a priority to spend a sufficient amount of time not only on treatment, but to address concerns of the patient, and educate them about the things they can do to improve their dental health.


Source by Kent Harlan