A bipolar Lesson From Point-of-view

bipolar patient

When the acquired knowledge it is best to define the terms either before or as they are to use. Let us start by defining

Bipolar (mental) disorder (manic-depression). “Depression” a “mental disorder” exhibiting oscillating periods of joy and it is a primary psychiatric diagnosis of elevation and depression cognition, mood, behavior and energy. The clinical term for elated state of mind is “manic”. A milder form is “hypomania.” Since bipolar people usually notice either depressive symptoms or a “mixed state” that features both high and are simultaneously present. These up-and-down events quickly run through the “average” mood areas enjoyed by the public. For some people, “frequent” between up-and-down mood levels occurs. Fierce Mania can show delusions, psychosis and hallucinations. Bipolar mood range, increase the amount mania severity, are words cyclothymia, hypomania (bipolar II) and mania (bipolar-I). Falling levels of depression are cyclothymia, depression (bipolar II) and clinical depression (bipolar-I). Depression alone is termed a “unipolar”. [Abridged-paraphrased Wikipedia “Bipolar Disorder” entry]
The bipolar continuum (spectrum) is best illustrated verbally as follows:

MANIA (Bipolar-I)

hypomania (Bipolar II)

cyclothymia (HIGH)

average MOOD HIGH

average MOOD

average MOOD LOW

cyclothymia (LOW)

dysthymia (Bipolar II )

depression (Bipolar I)

Patient moods are constantly changing as they go down this bi-directional spectrum, prompting leading Johns Hopkins professor of psychiatry, Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison and bipolar I disorder patients, called bipolar disorder “Quicksilver this illness.”

“Average Mood” is just another day at the office and at home with no reason to either grief or celebration.

“Average Mood High” could be a time when you got married, the birth of a child, working to raise or winning the lottery.

“Average Mood Low” could be the loss of your favorite pet to contact a family member.

“cyclothymia High” could be time increase energy and focus and general exuberance without drugs.

“cyclothymia Low” can be a habit of increasing sleepfulness or insomnia and gloomy outlook.

“hypomania” is a period of excess energy, high productivity, many achievements and goal-orientation.

“dysthymia” is slowness, loss of normal interests, negative and general discomfort.

“mania” is the time grandiosity, rapid speech and pressure and frightening, erratic behavior.

“Clinical or Major Bipolar Depression” is a total loss of interest and hope, often featuring suicide

Here are some American statistics:

  • women suffer major depression twice as much as men
  • 90% of all suicides result from depression
  • men and women suffer from manic-depression as
  • 1 of 3 bipolar subjects either try or finish act of suicide

You have probably seen enough lists of manic and depressive observable behavior, but it is important to follow those listed in the “Bible psychiatrist is,” DSM-IV ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). The DSM-5 will be published in May 2013. It is from this basic definitions that we can build a dialogue and understand what is to follow. Here are the required “diagnostic criteria for mania:”

  • abnormal, persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood
  • inflated self-esteem or grandiosity [w / uninhibited, skewed volition]
  • needs less sleep, for example, feeling rested after only 3 hours of sleep
  • More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
  • Flight ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
  • distractibility , namely attention too easily drawn to relevant or irrelevant external stimuli
  • The increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work, in school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
  • Much involvement in pleasurable activities have a high potential for painful consequences, such as the one engaged in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investment
  • Mood disturbance sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in occupational or usual social activities or relationships with others, or need hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others
  • [Giving away money or cherished or valuable possessions]

I have with this last classified characteristics, as it has been own my personal experience of bipolar my I attacks and also to many of my co-patients and manic-depressive friends. Although this awesome list is not intended for use by “armchair psychiatrists,” it is useful for spotting and getting professional help for mood-challenged friend or family member. Mania reminds me of metamorphosis that produces the “Incredible Hulk.” My bipolar-I components always involve either Obsession “seeking true love” or “start their own high-tech energy company mine.” Oh, the wonders of manic grandiosity!

Well, DSM-IV has been kind enough to help us understand what bipolar disorder is. Here it is also depressed in the form of “diagnostic criteria for major depressive episode”

  • Depression (can be irritable mood in children and adolescents) most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated comes either subjective account or observation by other
  • Significantly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated either subjective account or observation by others of apathy most of the time
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain when not dieting (eg, more than 5% of body weight per month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day (in children, consider objectionable that expected profits)
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
  • practical agitation or retardation nearly every day (visible from the other, not only mental restlessness or slowing
  • Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not just self-reproach or guilt about being sick)
  • Decreased ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others)
  • recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or suicide attempt or specific plan to commit suicide
  • [Vegetative, catatonic; retarded or loss of motor skills; unable to commit the act of suicide]

again, this last, classified listing is based on personal experience and many of my co -Patients and manic-depressive friends. When taken together, all of these up-and-down states are not peppered with psychosis, hallucinations and delusions, which makes analysis psychologist is much harder to do. Bipolar diagnoses are mainly performed by psychiatrists (64%), psychologists (18%), and general practitioners (13%). In suspected cases of spiritual affairs it just makes sense to cut to the chase and make an appointment with a psychiatrist. The specially trained professional is best able to treat the mood disorder in the patient. There are also “mixed episodes” in which a person will suffer both Manic and depressive features simultaneously-pure hell. When properly diagnosed, the patient and physician needs three years, on average, to sculpt useful combination of psychotropic (psychiatric) medications to achieve satisfactory patient mood stability, the goal is to reduce the frequency, duration and scale factors. These powerful drugs have bad side effects and must be carefully selected mix choose from five main categories Psych drugs

  • mood stabilizers
  • Antidepressants
  • psychotropic
  • anxiolytics
  • Anticonvulsants

When a bipolar patient is manic, he or she is feeling well and is unlikely to visit a doctor unless forced sexual intercourse with another person. That is why psychiatrists often identify patients with manic-depressive unipolar (depressive) disorder because the only time he gets to see the patient when he or she is feeling bad. It is fascinating that almost 70% of bipolar disorder sufferers are incorrect analysis of an average of 3.5 times before the correct diagnosis is dialed. The manic person is “high” and feels wonderful-there is “no need” for a doctor.

Therefore, bipolar disorder or depression could find disturbances involve the relative concentration of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) in the limbic system of the brain (the part of the brain responsible for emotions, behavior, interest and long-term memory), paucity of resulting in depression and surplus of the resulting in mania. Neurotransmitters are what electronic signals between nerve endings, and, in this case, those of the neurons in the brain. Unfortunately, there are no physical examination, no “dipstick,” blood tests, imaging, invasive or non-invasive medical procedures to determine the relative levels of these lipids. Bipolar disorder is every bit physical diseases are diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Here are ways psychiatrists must reach their diagnoses of patients mood of

  • ask the patient
  • Questioning family, significant others
  • establishing a patient history
  • Behavioral observation
  • Reading body language
  • Mat speech characteristics
  • Combining the results of these presentations with knowledge and experience

although bipolar disorder can strike anyone at any time it can usually be attributed to either genetic factors or crippling physical, mental or emotional stressors such as child abuse or PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) that produces a tremendous amount of anxiety and stress. On the genetic side, children have a sibling or parent with manic-depression have up to six times the risk of inheriting the disorder. Other disposition and correlation of having bipolar disorder are having a Germanic heritage, high IQ, or be an artist or a scientist. Musicians, composers, poets, painters, philosophers, photographers, comedians, television personalities, sculptors, etc., have an increased risk of being bipolar disorder compared to the general population. casual my study of 277 famous individuals 84% ​​were in these areas suffer (ed) mood disorders. I understand that at least five calls that attack bipolar episode:

  1. Stressors (including major life events); physical, mental and emotional
  2. Substance abuse
  3. Sleep deprivation and severe circadian rhythm disorder
  4. Seasonal change
  5. Drugs side effects

When it comes to religion, much of Christianity condemn those who have mental illness as being sinful, shameful, lacking confidence, weak, self-centered, selfish, storytellers, guilt or evil spirits. Or “It’s just an excuse, you’re trying to get attention.” These judgments result in a closed upbraiding, public ridicule, shunning or excommunication. attitude sick person fail when his mind not. Other significant world religion either quarantine or eliminate spiritual individuals (defective) by using any means possible, including murder. It is interesting to note the statistical incidence of mood disorders people is independent of any particular religion or organization.

Depression is the number three reason for doctor visits in the United States today and the class of psychiatric drugs prescribed second only to analgesics (painkillers). It has historically been an average of four doctors and ten years to correctly diagnose a case of bipolar disorder. Even today only 49% of those with manic-depression receive treatment. Most of the rest, unaware of their disease, will unwittingly self-medicate with “feel-good” drugs, food, alcohol and wanton (high) sex. Denial can be a best friend is a mental patient. Bipolar disorder is very much like a “mood roller-coaster,” with rapid ascents manic, even slower descents suicidal depression caused by the loss of confidence, identity and neurotransmitter transporters imbalance. Thoughts race our pace while distracting mania. When depression we feel envy those who are not in our place. We have to train others to understand us and help us no matter how impossible it seems. And we have to live “in the moment” every day. The only real duty is to prevent mood swings to steal our reason and cause the loss of hope that forms our desire for death.

Fortunately, these figures are gradually better policy because of increased awareness and today many campaigns against stigma and discrimination targeting the mentally ill. Stigma of disorder fueled by popular media properties bipolar individuals like a crazed homicidal maniacs have murderous / suicidal intent. Stigma means “displeasure and disgrace.” It alienates its victims, creates an undeserved stigma against them, and produces social shame that delivers a powerful blow to those who already suffer horrific mental illnesses. Stigma is every bit as inappropriate for the mental patient as it would be for heart or cancer patient! Suffer considers itself officially “Killjoy,” and includes it as best she can. She and others like it often does not call for self-esteem and confidence to share emotional struggle. Every social aberrance seems to have their own equal and opposite form using the word “phobia.” Should those guilty of fear of the mentally ill to the brand “psycho-phobes?” It has been my experience that as “average” drunks and “happy” drunks, there are both “mean” and “happy” people who suffer episodes of bipolar disorder. The “mean” and violent ones are only those who abuse drugs and alcohol. After all, violent individuals are not born, they are made of.

Bipolar individuals will suffer an average of 8 to 10 aspects of life. It is a living hell on earth without a cure. It is only possible to control. Impact on the community, these are the facts:

  • Manic-depression is almost second highest reason for federal handicapped awards
  • Unemployment for mood disorder sufferers is 50% higher than the US average
  • Bipolar patient’s life is 9.2 years less than the nominal US age 78 years

Because treatment often requires 2 -3 weeks to start showing a therapeutic effect, hospitalization may be indicated for patient safety during mood disorder episodes. Unfortunately, the “new and improved” healthy patient outlook, faith and become a better behavior habits, when compared to the previous behavior, can really spook family and friends and cause separation ways. Co-dependence disappear. Outpatient counseling is often necessary to either prevent this ordeal or deal with its aftermath. New setting can be a big boon psychiatric patient. Whether or manic depression, feelings of the individual will be controlled-back to a stable range. Julie A. Fast has described “middle” life is a disorder as being possible, wonderful, have fun and enjoy the talent people. I have also found these factors stability to be true and have reached a treasured my state of serenity ..

For me, depression, crafty opponent, produces the worst suffering. The simplest definition it is “anger turned inward.” A depressed patient will find a non-harmful, non-destructive way to prevent the evil anger to slam the brakes on dangerous deepening depression.

Imagine woke up after being buried 6 feet under, measuring devices hopeless cries go unheard, unable to roll over in the coffin, claustrophobic. hopelessness depression is worse! Suicide will easily viable, attractive option. In the words of Mary Beth Smith, “… I just want to end the pain.” Wild mood swings of bipolar disorder in sufferers have nothing to do with volition, choice or will. Depression, one may unknowingly begin to sink into the abyss of hopelessness.

“You can always think the way depression but can not always thinking way out [of one].” – Dr. Lewis Britton

At that point, the only option is either drug therapy or ECT. Because psychiatric treatment usually involves a 15-minute “control meds,” the patient needs to ask for a referral for a therapist who can provide “talk therapy” needed for the patient to work thinking, behavior, lifestyle and myriad other issues. Patients should verify whether or not their psychiatrists and psychologists will interact with one another to create a comprehensive continuum of care. The patient must learn living habits including eating, exercise and sleep habits. Mood disorder behaviors are not volitional and re-learn healthy physical, mental and emotional habits are a must to prevent further mental mayhem. Friends and family can neither sympathize nor shoes, never have “been there.”

peace is the ultimate goal of my sanity. I have almost achieved by preventing almost most stressful of my life and I feel great. No problem distract or bother me anymore, probably because already survived the worst that can happen to me on both extremes of bipolar disorder and depression. In addition to Psychiatric and psychological help support groups are free, both physically and online. Internet forums and communities, if their members stay on track, can be quite helpful for depression and manic-depressive people as a factor, doctors, drugs and the like are hashed over and common ground is established for self-revelation, sharing and caring.

I am often asked if it is 1) a greater number of his ill person today, 2) if the bar is lowered by Psychiatric community to drum up more patients or 3) whether it has always been so many of us in the past who were misdiagnosed misunderstood or ignored. I am inclined to say that it is an amalgam of all three in the risk of sounding simple or “politically correct”. I say this because I believe all three proposals can easily be tied to the increasingly rapid progress of the growing influence of technology on humanity over the decades. But I’m certainly open to any suggestions to the contrary.

Finally, “manic-depression” still “hot button” topic today among health professionals, the media, patients and confuse the public. Well-meaning websites and blogs litter the Internet with both accurate and erroneous material and advice, and this level will be fact checked and negotiated with care. While not up to academic standards, a Wikipedia search of “bipolar disorder” is probably the most successful and accurate source for the average Inquisitor. Having read it yourself, this mental patient recommends it for all concerned.


Source by Jeff C. Baker

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